

الحضارة الإسلامية ( قاموس مصطلحات عربى انجليزى) [الأرشيف] - منتديات بوابة العرب

الحضارة الإسلامية ( قاموس مصطلحات عربى انجليزى) [الأرشيف] - منتديات بوابة العرب

‏عَقدٌ أَفطَسُ‏

‏(رُبَاعِيُّ المَرَاكِزِ)‏
Groin vault
Intersecting vault
‏عَقدٌ أَقرَنُ‏

‏عَقدٌ يَتَّصِلُ قَوسَاهُ مِن أَعلَى بِرَأسٍ مُدَبَّبَةٍ‏
Cusped arch
‏عَقدٌ إهليلجِي‏

Elliptical arch
‏عَقدٌ بَرمِيلِيٌّ‏

Barrel vault
‏عَقدُ تَصرِيفٍ‏

‏عَقدٌ قَوسِيٌّ فَوقَ عَتَبٍ بِغَرَضِ تَخفِيفِ الثِّقَلِ‏
Relieving arch
‏عَقدٌ حَادٌّ‏

‏عَقدٌ ضَيِّقٌ حَادُّ الزَّاوِيَةِ كَرَأسِ السَّهمِ‏
Acute arcade
‏عَقدٌ حِدوِيٌّ (كَحِدوَةِ الفَرَسِ)‏

Geometria Descrittiva

Geometria Descrittiva

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Isawi HomePage / Geometria Descrittiva / Tangenza03

<< raccordo tangenziale tra un cilindro di rotazione ed un piano new life: raccordo tangenziale tra superfici di rotazione, eventualmente degeneri
Tang02 Tange04 New-life

Tangenza 03

Raccordi Tangenziali tra Superfici di rotazione ( coniche, toriche) ___________ (03)

raccordo tangenziale tra Coni circolari ad assi incidenti
struttura del raccordo tangenziale tra due coni di rotazioni


raccordo tangenziale tra coni circolari ad assi incidenti
prova fallimentare di raccordare un cono ellittico con uno circolare
Cono a lunetta sferica raccordo tangenziale tra toriche di rotazione ad assi paralleli

Cono-lunetta-sferica Tori-assi//
Torica di raccordo tangenziale tra due cilindri aventi assi di rotazione sghembi tra loro.
raccordo tra toriche di rotazione uguali e ad assi perpedicolari
raccordo tangenziale tra toriche uguali ed aventi assi di rotazione perpedicolari raccordo tangenziale tra ellissoidi di rotazione omotetici e ad assi coincidenti
Toriche= Ellissoidi
torica monogrammica di raccordo tangenziale tra cilindri ad assi sghembi
toro sghembo tangente due superfici di rotazione assiali e non hanno nessuna sfera in comune
Toro viviani raccordo tangenziale tra un toro e un cono ad assi // e con una sfera in comune
Toro-cono01 toro-cono
toro sghembo nato dal movimento tangenziale di una sfera a due superfici di rotazionetoro sghembo
costruzione finale del raccordo tangenziale tra toro e cilindro esempio: raccordo tangenziale tra toro e cilindro
Toro Sghembo
Costruz.finale Esempio
sfera tangente un toro ed un cono
bucare una parete circolare con soluzione di continuita tra esterno ed interno
raccordo tangenziale tra cilindri aventi una base in comune
tang-architettura Cilindri02
Modellazione geometrica: Ondulazione torica

raccordo tangenziale tra due cilindri aventi una base in comune tangenza tra cilindri
Ondulazione toriche 01

2cilindri (el-c) 2cilindri01
Ondulazione di bordo: raccordo tra toriche- serie centrale
raccordo tra superfici toriche ( inclusa la sfera come caso particolare di toro)

tangenza tra toriche a direttrici ellittiche  non complanari


Data ultimo aggiornamento; Last update 10/02/08 11:46:08

Cupola della Roccia


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Riccardo Migliari - ricerche

Riccardo Migliari - ricerche
L'insegnamento della geometria descritttiva e delle sue applicazioni - da La Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università di Roma 'La Sapienza' dalle origini al duemila, a cura di Vittorio Franchetti Pardo, Gangemi, Roma 2001

toefl- 100 questions distributed in three sections

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Graduate English Language Test (Level II)

Test Competencies

The test is comprised of 100 questions distributed in three sections as follows:

Section 1 : Listening Comprehension…(15) points.
- (15) short conversations each ending with a question .
Section 2 : Structure and Written Expression…(50) points .
- (25) structure questions
- (25) written expressions
Section 3 : Reading Comprehension…(35) points .
- First short passage with (7) questions.
- Second short passage with (8) questions.
- First medium passage with (10) questions
- Second medium passage with (10) questions
* All questions are multiple choice from four (4) options.
* One point is assigned for each correct answer.
* The source and reference text for the skills and competencies is : Deborah Phillips, Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test . Pearson,2003.

Section 1

Listening Comprehension

(15 points )

(15) Short Conversations in (15) minutes

(15) questions that involve the following skills :
Skill 1, page 12 : Focus on the second line .
Skill 2, page 14 : Choose answers with synonyms of key words.
Skill 3, page 16 : Avoid similar sounds : key words with

similar sounds but different in meaning.

Skill 4, page 19 : Draw conclusions about who, what, where.
Who is talking?
What will s/he do next?
Where does the conversation take place?
Skill 5, page 22 : Listen for who and what in passive.
-What does s/he mean?(the answer is

in the passive voice .)

Skill 6, page 24 : Listen for who and what with multiple nouns.
- What does s/he mean? (The answer tests the recognition of who did what .)
Skill 7, page 28 : Listen for negative expression.
The conversation has a negative with

not while the answer is in positive form .

The conversation has a negative

prefix (un-,in-,dis-)while the answer is in positive form.

Skill 8, page 30 : Listen for double negative expression.

- The conversation has two negative verbs while the answer is a positive statement.

Skill 10, page 34 : Listen for negative with comparatives .
- The conversation has negative
with more or –er while the answer has a superlative meaning .
Skill 11, page 38 : Listen for expression of agreement .

- The answer explains a positive

agreement ( so do I ; me, too ).

Skill 12, page 40 : Listen for expressions of uncertainty and suggestion .

- suggestion with let's only .

Skill 14, page 46 : Listen for wishes.

- affirmative wish that means negative reality.

Or – wish with past tense that means negative present reality.

Section 2

Structure and Written Expression

(50 Points )

(50) question in (50) minutes

Part A : Structure (25 points)
Skill 1, page 98 : One – clause sentence; be sure the sentence has a subject.
Missing noun subject.
Missing pronoun subject.
Skill 1, page 98 : One – clause sentence; missing verb
Missing active verb.
Missing passive verb.
Skill 2, page 99 : One – clause sentence; the

subject cannot be an object of a preposition.

A missing subject in a sentence with a prepositional phrase at the beginning.

A missing verb to agree with the subject in a sentence with a prepositional phrase at the beginning. ( Skill 20)
Skill 3, page 101 : One – clause sentence; be careful

of appositives.

A missing simple appositive: example 1
A missing long appositive: example 2
Skill 4, page 102 : One – clause sentence; be careful of present participles.
A present participle as part of a verb.
A present participle as an adjective.
Skill 5, page 104 : Be careful of past participles.
An – ed form as a simple past.
An – ed form as part of the present perfect.
An – ed form as an adjective.
Skill 6, page 107 : Use coordinate connectors correctly.
And as connector of two clauses
So as connector of two clauses
Skill 7, page 109 : Adverb time and cause connectors in multiple-clause sentences.
Adverb time connector ( after, before, until, while).
Adverb cause connector (because, since).
Skill 8: Other adverb connectors in multiple- clause sentences.
Adverb condition connector (if)
Adverb condition connector (although)
Adverb condition connector (where)
Skill 9: Noun clause connectors in multiple- clause sentences.

- a wh – word as a noun clause connector (either as a subject or an object ).

Skill 11: Adjective clause connector.

- Which as an adjective clause connector in the objective case.

Skill 12: Adjective clause connector.

- Who as an adjective clause connector in the objective case.

Skill 15: Invert the subject and verb with question words (wh-) in a simple question .

- example : what are you doing ?

Skill 16: Invert the subject and verb with place expression (There).

- example: There are the keys that

I lost.

Part B : Written expression (25 points).
Skill 21,page 145: Make verbs agree after expressions

of quantity (all , most, some, half )+ of

All of+ singular + verb
Some of+ plural + verb
Skill 22 page 146: Make inverted verbs agree

- Place phrase+ verb + subject.

- example: Behind the houses was the bicycle I wanted .

Skill 23 page 148: Make verbs agree after certain words

that are always singular (any-, every-, no-, some-, each +noun ).

Skill 24, page 152: Use parallel structures with coordinate conjunctions.
Parallel verbs
Parallel adjectives
Parallel prepositional phrases.
Skill 26, page 154: Parallel structures with comparison.
Structure + more/-er + adj.+ than+

Parallel structure.

Structure +as + adj. +as +

Parallel structure

Identify incorrect parallel structure

Exercise on page 157.

Skill 27, page 158: Form comparatives

and superlatives correctly.

(adj.-er/more + adj.) + than.
the +(adj.-est / most +adj.) + in / of / than .
Skill 29, page 160: The irregular (-er,-er ) structure

(two parallel comparatives) .

- The +(-er / more ) + same structure.

Skill 30, page 164: After HAVE ,use the past

participle in the perfect tense of the verb.

- have / has/had / will have + past participle. (the perfect tenses ).

Skill 31, page 165: After Be , use the present/ past participle ( the progressive or passive form of the verb) .
Be + - ing form to indicate

a progressive form (duration).

Be + past participle to indicate the passive form.
Skill 32, page 166: After will and other modal

verbs, use the base (main) form of the verb .

- modal +base (main) form of the verb .

Skill 34, page 170: Use have and had correctly.

(The present and past perfect ).

Have + past participle means up to now.
Had + past participle means before past up to past.
Skill 35, page 172: Use the correct tense

with certain time expressions .

- ago/last/ in + year indicate the past tense .

Skill 38, page 179: Recognize active and passive meanings.

- in the passive form the

subject receives the action

of the verb .

Skill 40, page 183: Distinguish countable

and uncountable nouns .

Many /few + plural noun
Much / little + singular noun
Skill 43+44, page 190+191: Distinguish

object / adjective pronouns .

Skill 55, page 213: Distinguish specific

and general ideas (use of articles).

-distinguish definite and indefinite

meaning of a noun to use either the or a/an.

Section 3

Reading Comprehension

(35) points

(35) questions in (55) minutes

1)- The first short passage (7 points )

Skill 1 , page 251

- what is the topic of the passage?

      Skill 2 , page 255

Recognize the organization of ideas

- How is the information in the --------

paragraph related to the information

in the ---------- paragraph?

Skill 3, page 259: Stated detail questions.
Who is …….?
Where is …..?

Skill 10,11, page 294,296: Use context to

determine meanings

Simple word in line …
Difficult word in line …
Skill 12, page 306: Where specific

information is found

- Where in the passage does the author discuss …?

2)- The second short passage (8 points )
Skill 2, page 255 : Organization of ideas

- The main idea in the --------

paragraph is :

Skill 3, page 259 : Stated detail questions
What is … ?
When does … ?
Why does … ?
Which of the following is true?
Skill 4, page 264 : Find unstated details

- Which of the following is not true?

Skill 9,11, page 292, 296 : Determine meanings.
The word … in line … is

closest in meaning to :

The word … in line … does

NOT mean :

3)- The First Medium Passage (10 points )

Skill 1, page 251 : Main idea question

-The best title for this passage

would be …

Skill 5, page 267 : Find pronoun referent

- The pronoun ------ in line ------

refers to :

Skill 6, page 275 : Implied detail questions
It is implied that … mentioned

in lines … might be :

What probably happened … ?
----------- is most likely :
Skill 7, page 279 : Transition questions .

- The paragraph following the passage probably discusses …

Skill 9-11, page292, 294, 296:
Determine meanings
What is … in line … ?
The best description of … in

line … is :

The word … in line … is closest

in meaning to :

Skill 12, page 306 : Defermine where

specific information is found .

- where in the passage … ?

4)- The Second Medium Passage (10 points )

May be repeated from various skills

used in the passages above.

Skill 12, page 306 : Where specific information

is found ( Vocabulary ).

-Which word or expression in the

Passage means … :

The answer is:--------line ------- .
Skill 13, page 309 : Determine tone,

purpose, or course .

In which course would this passage be read?
What type of feeling (tone)

does the passage reflect?

What is the purpose of this passage?
Who would be interested in reading this passage?


صفحة بداية موزيلا فايرفوكس

إنه شعور فظيع عندما يحتاج إليك من تحب , وانت بعيد
تشعر بالعجز وتأمل فقط بمساعدة إلهييه تنقذك من عواقب الركود
أن يخلصك من عواصف تثير أحاسيس الوجود
